Collaboration with Nolan Flynn (
The process of the uncanniness of time. The abyss of that which is something of lostness.
I precede this and that.
The clay
The clay is something of a ground of molding. Can be ever changing. Once fired, it becomes stagnant. Solidification is the stagnant nature of “dead”. Dead on dead. Pile it up and pile it up more. Is the organic just dead on dead?
Clay castles, child like in size, playing kingdom. Showing our creation to the world. Changing it with the only desire of creation and then destruction. I am child.
I make the teslations. They are combinations of things and potentialities. The child at work.
What is the mind over the matter? Child at work.
Rant for another day.
Uncanny structures.
Organic stagnant things. Hardened to everlasting.
They look to me as a nest, alien cookware to maybe an ants castle.
What does that mean and why make? Easy answer: Odd and weird. Visually striking, endless possibilities. Is that it? Or does the castle hold clues to the now and what is? What is the castle relevant? I think it is but aren't sure where the key is. The key is within process and time. These objects lead to possibilities of excitement. That's why we make them. They are fun. But what is the underpinning of what these are?
But it can’t be meowwolf
It needs to be at nature with mind over matter with mind taking its cues from matter.
Is it as easy as we supply the matter, your mind takes over?
Is this a game?
I like the idea of dead on dead, but that doesn't mean anything. These are just clay sculptures. Maybe this is just play.
Does play have functional meaning in the contemporary art space?
We still make uncanny structures. They are dead and absent.
Are they just cool?
Or are the things that lead to some bs half ass understanding of a complex concept?
The images are new. New and pretty. We like the inner workings of color, light, shape. But I do feel what excited us most was the randomness of what could be produced from small macro shots of these ceramics.
Maybe that's the outcome.
The random combos of the artist's hand. Then why have the real items in existence?
Does that matter? Or do we just conclude?
I think the pieces are building blocks in a sort. These blocks lead to what is and what might become. Why abstract or slightly abstract?
Clay = human history.
The body. But the extension. Which is the structure, the home, the warmth.
Uncanny castles. The castle is domain.
Infinite possibilities. Of chaos. Of comfort. Of normal. Of what is and what is not.
Why clay? Because it’s time, it’s everything it’s nothing, it is what is to become.
What is uncanny structure?
The uncanny thing. The uncanny structure. The uncanny
The images are not recognizable due to the fact that they contain possibilities of outcomes. These outcomes have an author. The author dictates. What is seen and what it believes. Pure aesthetics? Some points. Different realms. To a point. Above is the notion of possibilities within a realm of time that is dictated by politics or was it culture?
The structures look like objects but not. Is that weird? Does it have the same effect under the guise of the valley? This type of understanding of things helps me look to the images of the internet differently. I create with my hands and change take us somewhere. Is this all? Add Please.